• Arts & Culture
  • Environment
  • Education & Libraries
  • Health & Wellness
  • Civic Engagement & Outreach
  • The GFWC Signature Project
  • Lead Invocation Before Lunch: One member each month
  • Lead Pledge Before Meeting: One member each month
  • Lead Collect Before Meeting: One member each month
  • Set-up committee two to three members set tables and aid kitchen for lunches.
  • Clean-up committee two to three members clear tables and complete kitchen clean-up.
  • Coffee: One member to make coffee and hot water for tea and clean up after meeting.  
  • West Allis Ala Carte – make something sweet for our booth
  • July 4th parade – ride in the parade!
  • National Night Out – provide volunteer help for this community event
  • Christmas Parade – ride in the parade! (yes, I know this is not summer)

Other Ways to Help the Club

Summer Projects

Member Opportunities

Community Service Programs

GFWC Woman's Club

West Allis, Wisconsin

Audit: Three members meet once a year to audit club finances.

Budget: Three members plus President and Treasurer meet once a year to set up club budget to be presented to General membership at Oct meeting.

By-Laws: Three members revise and review club by-laws as needed.

Court & Civic Delegate: One member reports on Court and Civic meetings.  All members are welcome to attend monthly meetings.

Decorating: Two members take care of table decorations for club activities.

Food Pantry: One or two members deliver food items collected at monthly meetings to Church food pantry.

Historian: One or two members keep a historical record of club activities and projects.

Lakeshore Delegate: One member and or alternate attend Lakeshore functions and report back to club. All members are welcome and encouraged to attend Lakeshore meetings.

Library Representative: One member reports on current library programs and delivers donated books at the end of the club year to the library.

Greeter: Greets and welcomes members and guests to meetings.

Membership: Two members keep membership files up to date and welcomes new members with club information.

Menu Committee: Two or three members meet with caterer to plan lunches.

Newsletter Editor: Prepares and prints monthly newsletter.

Public Relations: Promotes club via TV, newspaper or other media.

Programs: Vice-President serves as chairman, with the treasurer and 4 members to plan club programs for the year.

Reservations: Takes member reservations for monthly lunches, makes name-tags as needed.

Scholarships: Three members plus the President and Treasurer interview candidates for our scholarships.

Salad Luncheon: One or two members organize and oversee all aspects of our salad luncheon.

Sunshine: One member sends cards to members who are ill or lose a family member.

Used Jewelry Sale: Three or four members collect, sort and price jewelry, purses and scarfs donated by our members to sell at the jewelry boutique at the salad luncheon and other venues during the year. Note: Chairman is responsible for storing all items throughout the year.

Volunteer Hours: Two or three members prepare reports from hours, donations and monetary values which our members report at the end of the year, to be sent to GFWC WI for possible awards.

Ways & Means: Three or four members plus the treasurer plan trips, raffles, etc., for fundraising for the club.

Website: Two members keep website current.